
And All That Vajazzle

I'm going to forgo a cute expository anecdote and just jump into this one.

Upon researching Vajazzling, I found a simple and sweet power point presentation that mostly answered all of the questions I had about the art form. What was foremost on my mind was where had this practice originated. And, luckily for me, the presentation answered that question.

But, unluckily for me, this just brought up more questions. Please indulge me as I try to make sense of the beauty and wonder that is The Vajazzle.

  • First of all, concerning Jennifer Love Hewitt, this slide makes it seem like she brought a invasive species into the country. Like, along with gypsy moths, Love Hewitt introduced a way to put rhinestones around your labia. Both are dangerous and should be cause for alarm.
  • That wasn't a question, however, but more of a tangent. My question is did Jennifer Love Hewitt get bored at Michael's Craft Supply one day and was like "fuck it, i'm gonna hot glue jewels to my cooch?" And then instead of shamefully covering up her failed craft project, she openly discussed it with this man on Broadcast Television: 

  • When was Vajazzling on the news? You could maybe stretch "news" to mean "Entertainment Tonight" but that sentence really evokes images of a woman standing in front of a WalMart or a crime scene at a WalMart explaining in a grave, but detached tone the severity of Vajazzling. Like, "We've seen an onslaught of bedazzled vaginas recently, but nothing could have prepared us for this," or "Late last night in the 1600 block of St. James Place, a young woman came home to surprise her lover with a blingy bush." 
  • My biggest "huh" moment with the phrase "community leadership." What does it entail to lead a community to the ways of Vajazzling? Is there like a Rev. Martin Luther King of Vajazzling? Does that person have a dream that one day people won't be judged by the color of their skin but rather by the jazzle on their va-jay? Perhaps there is a support group for Vajazzlers, almost like a knitting circle. But instead of patchwork, it's snatchwork.
I guess there are somethings that are meant to be unclear. Like the Holy Trinity and the genesis of Vajazzling. Just those two things. That's it. But I have a feeling both have George Lopez in common, so that's a start.

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