Ok ok, so while ACME is having a deep clean facial, TJ's is the closest place to grab de grub.* Overall it is a fun shopping environment. They have cute names for their check out booths like "Joe-er Merion" and "Villa-joe-va." When the food isn't born and bred in USA then is has even cuter packaging names like "Trader Jose."
But the cutest thing about TJ's, inarguably, are the people that work there. Of course not all of them are spun from whole grain granola linens but you are guaranteed some eye candy while purchasing candied almonds dipped in chocolate caramel edamame crunch (caution: this is not a healthy snack/substitute for vegetable.)
The attractive dude employees sort of look like the cute older brothers from Disney Channel series and the attractive lady employees look like they would be your favorite contestant on Survivor.
This is such a good sales tactic because the looks are both approachable friendly. I was picking out some trail mix to drown my anxiety in the other day and this spunky, funky TJ employee bounced over to me. I didn't even notice her or her well manicured dreadlock (singular) peaking out from under her ponytail.
"Omg, try the mix with the tiny peanut butter cups. It is totally the best thing in the world."
"Uh okay" I say, still wondering where she came from and holding onto my beloved raspberry chocolate trail mix.
"You won't regret it. I am, like, addicted." And she picks it up and hands it to me and I'm still standing there thinking, like, I don't like peanut butter cups and next thing I know I've purchased two huge bags of trail mix.
Good work TJ team.
*There is some store called Food Source that I've been in a few times when I need a good cry. Thank you but no thank you, I can live with out lychee jam or blood oranges in August.